Mill for Thyme

Mill for Thyme Carbon Steel
Mill For Thyme


We manufacture small, medium and large industrial mills for thyme!

Thyme powder has been known to mankind for over 3000 years. The word “thyme” is of Greek origin and means “courage” (thumus) or “fragrance” (thymos). It is one of those rare spices that, even when dried, retains its flavor and aroma quite well. The Greeks used this spice as a symbol of style, elegance and courage, and used it as an incense to cleanse sacred areas. The spice is still very popular, as it has many uses and benefits.

The flavor of this spice combines well with other spices, but it is important that it is added only at the end of the cooking process to maintain the flavor and smell.The spice is widely used in cooking for soups, stews, casseroles, sauces, pizza, meat, boiled or sautéed vegetables and creams. It is also used for tea.

Mills Vieira has several customers who use its mills to grind thyme.


Below are the options for models of thyme grinding mills

Model of hammer millScreen 0.3 mmScreen 0.7 mmScreen 1.0 mmScreen 3.0 mmScreen 6.0 mm
MCS Series – Single Centrifugal Mill
Mill Vieira MCS 190 (03 hp)10 Kg/hr20 Kg/hr33 Kg/hr66 Kg/hr83 Kg/hr
Mill Vieira MCS 280 (05 hp)30 Kg/hr60 Kg/hr100 Kg/hr200 Kg/hr250 Kg/hr
Mill Vieira MCS 350 (10 hp)85 Kg/hr150 Kg/hr200 Kg/hr450 Kg/hr900 Kg/hr
MCD Series – Double Centrifugal Mill
Mill Vieira MCD 530 (20 hp)180 Kg/hr350 Kg/hr500 Kg/hr900 Kg/hr2000 Kg/hr
Mill Vieira MCD 680B (30 hp)275 Kg/hr500 Kg/hr750 Kg/hr2000 Kg/hr3000 Kg/hr
Mill Vieira MCD 680A (60 hp)525 Kg/hr1000 Kg/hr1500 Kg/hr4000 Kg/hr6000 Kg/hr
Mill Vieira MCD 950 (100 hp)1000 Kg/hr2100 Kg/hr3100 Kg/hr8000 Kg/hr12000 Kg/hr
MCO Series – Centrifugal Mill for Oilseeds
Mill Vieira MCO 260 (05 hp)Does not processDoes not processDoes not processDoes not processDoes not process
Mill Vieira MCO 520 (12.5 hp)Does not processDoes not processDoes not processDoes not processDoes not process

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