Technical data sheet for oil used in high performance conical sieves

Important information about conical screens

You have just purchased a product that is the result of more than 7 decades of experience in milling grains, cereals and spices.

Moinhos Vieira’s high performance conical screens have been developed to meet your grain and cereal milling needs with high performance, durability and ease of operation.

The parts are packed with all care and attention, aiming at their protection and greater durability, for this we count on the use of a safe degreasing product “non-flammable, with vegetable base, non-toxic and odorless, biodegradable and has food grade.

For more information and clarification see the Full Technical Data Sheet (MSDS) on the button below or by scanning the QR CODE.

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Technical Data Sheet > Screen Oil


Technical Data sheet > Marking Ink

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